
Oh dear, you’re reading this.

“This” being a blog dedicated to myself, after months of questions and justifying. To finally doing.

I guess the real reason I didn’t spend that 5 minutes just making an online blog is because this one is to be kept seriously. I don’t mean seriously rant about my life, or seriously discuss issues that change my life. By serious, I mean – when I feel like blogging, I will find the accurate and concise words to express those feelings/thoughts.

It sounds relatively simple. I assure you, for me, this will be somewhat of a challenge.

I have the urge to blog something nearly every few hours. I get excited easily by facts or things I’m learning or videos I’m watching. I get bummed by the general understanding of cliche phrase about life that applies to me, just at that very moment. I’m pretty sure this too, happens to people on a day to day basis.

So why blog?

  • I want to improve my articulateness.
  • I want to be able to decondense and share ideas that blow my mind. By doing this, I will have a better understanding of the idea as I write. But also, I will be able to share this with you. (Especially, if you chose to be here on your own, and weren’t subtly reminded to do so by yours truly.)
  • I want to analyze my “data” of blogs and try to observe my thought process. Indeed, the motivation behind all of this, is actually very selfish.
  • I want to look back at the best days of my life someday, and remember the person I was then (which is now). This is based on the assumption that I’ll grow as a person.
  • I want to see myself growing. Not literally, obviously. But in words, figuratively. I want to grow as a writer/blogger, as a student, as a friend, as a person. I believe that being consciously aware of this growing process is another element of “growing” in itself.
  • To be aware of the physical world, social constructs, issues of the moment, the inner workings (or lack of) in my mind.

Oh, and to warn you in advance – I will have no actual knowledge or experience about some of the things I’ll be discussing.

Oh also – I’ll “be funny” a lot. I don’t usually intend to, but I’ve been told that my attempts at being funny aren’t actually funny. They’re still funny to me (which is what matters) but basically – I’m not going out of my way to amuse you. I assure you, this is a selfish blog.

Author: ritikar

Where I try to be funny, smart, witty and everything else I’m not.

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